The Horror Within Me

A Podcast Dedicated to the World of Horror!

Hey there, fellow thrill-seekers! Welcome to “The Horror Within Me” podcast, your one-stop shop for all things spooky, creepy, and downright terrifying. I’m Eric, your guide through the twisted world of horror, and I’m thrilled to have you join me on this chilling adventure.

Growing up in a chaotic household, I found solace and excitement in the captivating world of horror. From spine-tingling tales to hair-raising movies and TV shows, I discovered that horror wasn’t just about scares—it was an escape into a realm where anything was possible.

In this podcast, we’ll dive deep into the heart of horror, exploring the latest releases, dissecting classic films, and uncovering hidden gems that will keep you up at night. And don’t forget our favorite segment: “Terrifying Trivia Question of the Week”! Test your knowledge and see if you’ve got what it takes to survive the horror quiz.

Whether you’re a die-hard horror fanatic or just curious about what goes bump in the night, “The Horror Within Me” has something for everyone. So grab your popcorn, turn down the lights, and prepare yourself for a journey into the darkest corners of the human psyche.

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Latest Episodes For Your Fiendish Pleasure….

  • Join host Eric on another spine-chilling episode of The Horror Within Me as we explore the eerie world of horror movie sequels in "Echoes of Terror: Exploring Horror Movie Sequels." In this episode, Eric takes a break from the typical movie review format to delve into what distinguishes a spine-chilling sequel from a forgettable flop. […]
  • Happy New Year! To kick off the 2024 season, I am reviewing the movie Cobweb starring Lizzy Caplan. Listen now to hear all the fun best and worst reviews for this slow burn horror! 
  • Happy Horrordays! Join me on this special holiday episode of the show where I recap, review, and rate ALL 3 of the Black Christmas movies from 1974, 2006, and 2019!
  • Join me this week as I review my top favorite movie to watch during the Halloween season, Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers starring Donald Pleasence and Danielle Harris! Happy Halloween to my fellow horror fans!
  • "Let's do the Time Warp again!" It's just a click to the left to listen to this week's episode on the cult classic movie! I could say more, but "dammit Janet", just listen for yourself! 
  • This week marks episode 60 of the show! I have invited Jenny to join me on this special milestone, Halloween Favorites episode to rate and review the 1987 classic The Monster Squad!
  • Continuing on with my Halloween favorites, this week's episode is on the film Trick 'r Treat from 2007!
  • "Where you going? The party's just begun!" Happy October spooky friends! The first in a 5-part series of my top Halloween go to films is Night of the Demons 2 starring Amelia Kinkade! Let's raise some Hell, and happy Halloween!
  • Join me this week as I review the 2023 possession horror movie The Pope's Exorcist starring Russell Crowe! 
  • "The power of three will set us free"! Join me on this episode where we travel back in time to the late 90's early 2000's and talk about the Charmed Ones! 
  • The podcast in which you are about to hear is an account of a film that tells the tragedy of five youths, and what will go down in history as the Texas Chain Saw Massacre.
  • @elcome to Camp Crystal Lake, where there's sex, drugs, and a crazed killer on the loose! Join me on this week's episode where we return to where it all began, the original Friday the 13th! Some of these reviews are just as crazy as Pamela herself! 
  • If you're a 90's kid, and more specifically, a 90's gamer, chances are you've played at least one Twisted Metal game! Well this week I review the brand new show based on this widely popular franchise. Join me, it's gonna be a blast!
  • It's time for another 80's cult classic horror comedy, Killer Klowns from Outer Space! If you've never heard of this movie, Listen to this episode! If you have seen it, listen to this episode! 
  • It's July and we can't leave this month without doing an episode on this cult classic! Die hard zombie fans and punk rockers gather around, this one is for you! 
  • This week is episode 50 of the show! What better movie to do on this episode than Terrifier 2! Whether you're a fan or not, one thing everyone seems to agree on is the how much over the top gore there was! Listen to see if that is a good or bad thing!
  • Has your mom ever gone to do laundry and come back possessed? Well, that is exactly what happens in the movie for this week's episode, Evil Dead Rise! Die-hard fans of the franchise and those just coming in, join me as I discover the best, and worst reasons watch this movie!
  • Would you be able to choose between the world or your family? That is the plot of this week's movie, Knock at the Cabin from M. Night Shyamalan! People either loved or hated this movie, so listen in to here which side I am on!
  • Join me this week as I interview Horror Filmmaker, podcast host, and heavy metal band member Jay Crimson! Jay currently has five projects on Troma and is currently working an his newest project, Lilith! Listen as we discuss his projects, what inspires him, and how independent filmmakers work with a limited budget!
  • Ever wonder what would happen if you followed that rainbow and found a pot of gold? Well this film will answer that question in the most gruesome way! Join me as a review the 1993 horror comedy Leprechaun starring Warwick Davis and Jennifer Aniston!